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Month: January 2014

And we all love figgy pudding

And we all love figgy pudding

With Christmas on the horizon, and a need to slake my thirst for woolly novelties, I remembered some natty Christmas puddings I’d seen, and after a knitting frenzy throughout December I wowed my family and friends with these little beauties. Each pud contains a foil-wrapped chocolate, and I used them as table place settings… …and gave the above box as a gift.  Better than just any old box of sweets.  Roll on Easter.     Thanks to Tess Young at…

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It started with a hat…

It started with a hat…

‘Knit a hat for an Innocent smoothie and raise funds for Age UK.’ You probably saw the advert last September. It seemed like a bit of fun so, between us, my mum and I sent off a dozen or so. The pattern was straightforward, just a simple hat with a bobble on top.  But oh, I’d forgotten how relaxing knitting could be.   My fingers were twitching. I’d caught the knitting bug. So what next?  Read on…