A Woolly Christmas to you all

A Woolly Christmas to you all

Ah, Christmas.  What to make and give to friends this year?  In September I started searching for ideas among those free patterns generously shared by other knitters, and struck lucky.  Five different Christmas tree decorations which suited each individual on the receiving end of a knitted gift, and I don’t mind telling you I enjoyed every knitting minute of making them (even when those twiddly bits of mistletoe went missing under the sofa).

Tiny Tree Ornament https://www.allfreeknitting.com and look for 'Patterns for the Holidays'
Tiny Tree Ornament https://www.allfreeknitting.com and look for ‘Patterns for the Holidays’
Gingerbread man
Gingerbread man
© Frankie Brown, 2010 http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/gingerbread-man-8
Christmas pud
Christmas pud Thanks to Tess Young at www.fibrefables.wordpress.com












Snowman Also see http://www.knitabit.net/, for other patterns by Barbara Breiter. I found this pattern here: http://www.knittingonthenet.com/patterns/holsnowman2.htm
Mistletoe Alison Hogg
© Alison Hogg 2013 http://crazydaisy60.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/mistletoe-this-pattern-is-copyright.html

Mistletoe bunch



Tiny Tree
Tiny Tree Ornament https://www.allfreeknitting.com and look for ‘Patterns for the Holidays’







Group Hug
Group Hug



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