Back to the Future

Back to the Future

No matter what your sport, it’s probably true to say that if you don’t work up a sweat you’re not putting in enough effort, and not getting much out of that little effort either.  But no matter how hard I work, if my feet and legs are cold I can’t concentrate on isolating my muscles or getting in the zone.  Anyone else have that problem?

Thick socks and long woolly socks made my feet slide and overheat;  then my friend’s husband’s 1980’s-themed birthday party prompted a vision of Jane Fonda complete with legwarmers.  Does anyone wear them anymore?  Can I buy some?  Where from?  And then, of course, my knitting brain switched on and…voila, thanks to a pattern kindly offered by Louise, this trend visited my Pilates studio last week, to much acclaim.

I think they look great, obviously.  But, do they work?  YES, ABSOLUTELY.  My ankles stay warm, so do my legs, and, ah bliss, my feet too.  I’ve never worn them pulled up as long socks, a bit too school girl for me, but if it’s that cold, who knows…

All credit for a great free pattern to Louise of Louise Knits

I was so impressed with my legwarmers, I put together a few words to to sing their praises…A Stride through Time

2 thoughts on “Back to the Future

  1. Me too, will be knitting some ready for this winter, thanks for the prompt, and the poem – hilarious 🙂

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