Today You are One

Today You are One

Aah, one year old.  Where has this year gone?  How can she have become this little person with her own personality, likes and dislikes, choices and demands so quickly?  With my fingers itching to start on this special project, dishcloth patterns came to mind.  So easy to follow – 35 or 36 stitches on no 7 needles with cotton yarn.

Bright colours, her initials and birthday number one on cloths for all purposes.  To clean sticky fingers.  Wipe a muddy face.  Wash a weepy dolly.  Maybe even put in a frame to mark the occasion.  Who knows?

Oh, and a little poem…Today You are One

Credit and thanks to Rhonda for sharing her patterns for dishcloths sporting any numbers or letters one could possibly want, and much much more.


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