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Category: Sew What?

Hello Homeowner

Hello Homeowner

In case you didn’t know, every new homeowner should be gifted a set of coordinating napkins and napkin holders. The only question – do the napkins match and the napkins holders differ, so everyone recognises their napkin by the holder, or vice versa? Each to their own, but when I saw this pack of fat quarters my mind was made up. It was an easy decision to use navy blue for the the napkin ring to enhance the contrast of…

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Sew be it

Sew be it

It’s time to introduce a new category. Still creating useful contributions to life, some contributions being just for decoration or amusement. Whichever, it keeps me amused. My new cutting board is in place on my desk, the rotary cutter is ready to go. What to sew first? That is the question, and one I’ll be answering soon. Watch this space.