

What do you give the man who has everything?  Top of his birthday list is always a lemon meringue pie and, along with several other of his friends, I’ve usually obliged.  Over the years, irregular get togethers meant  inventive application, and Royal Mail has served us well with an LMP DIY kit, a box of meringues, a lemon (in a jiffy bag, of course), and a ransom note for the pie I’m holding… But with my renewed ‘zest’ for knitting,…

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Rosie Lea’s Perfect Remedy after a Day in the Saddle

Rosie Lea’s Perfect Remedy after a Day in the Saddle

A lovely day in prospect tomorrow – a train journey to Brockenhurst to hire a tandem and push off into the New Forest for the afternoon, culminating in tea in Rosie Lea’s Tea House before snoozing away the train journey home. This has become a tradition for me… Our first visit was after a two-day cycling trip last year, which started in the rain in Burley and finished – in the rain – in Brockenhurst. It seemed no effort at…

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A Hero is Born

A Hero is Born

We all know someone who deserves the title and what better way to show them what you think of them than with a dish cloth or face cloth. This pattern, free thanks to Amy-Lynne of was my first shot at hero worship and was a satisfying and worthwhile project, judging by the response of my own particular superman. Using Debbie Bliss 100% cotton dk, this was a pleasure to work with and still looked fresh and new even after…

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Clucking obsessed, that’s me

Clucking obsessed, that’s me

My chicken and egg (or is that egg and chicken?) project is taking shape nicely.  Hens are more my thing than chicks, so my Easter project will be ‘eggs-eptional’. Who could resist a box of these best-dressed crème eggs?  

Ode to the Toad

Ode to the Toad

My February project was a toad dishcloth for my lovely old school friend’s birthday. Why? Ode to the Toad Thanks to Shellie Wilson



It was billed as a last-minute Valentine card and, as it did only take 20 minutes from start to finish, it lived up to its name. And how effective! Made my husband feel doubly-guilty to receive a handmade Valentine card when he only gave me…well, nothing! With thanks to Kelly Jo Sweeney

And we all love figgy pudding

And we all love figgy pudding

With Christmas on the horizon, and a need to slake my thirst for woolly novelties, I remembered some natty Christmas puddings I’d seen, and after a knitting frenzy throughout December I wowed my family and friends with these little beauties. Each pud contains a foil-wrapped chocolate, and I used them as table place settings… …and gave the above box as a gift.  Better than just any old box of sweets.  Roll on Easter.     Thanks to Tess Young at…

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It started with a hat…

It started with a hat…

‘Knit a hat for an Innocent smoothie and raise funds for Age UK.’ You probably saw the advert last September. It seemed like a bit of fun so, between us, my mum and I sent off a dozen or so. The pattern was straightforward, just a simple hat with a bobble on top.  But oh, I’d forgotten how relaxing knitting could be.   My fingers were twitching. I’d caught the knitting bug. So what next?  Read on…