Cone you believe it?

Cone you believe it?

What is the attraction of traffic cones? Why do people like to move them, wear them or take them home? A friend of a friend (ahem) collected about nineteen of them over a period of six weeks so that…well, I have  no idea why. I do know that he and his friends would joust with them on a Saturday night, one on each arm. They could definitely do some damage with them. And the more he collected them, the more…

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Introducing the Grainfather

Introducing the Grainfather

Cue haunting music…no, scratch that, this isn’t about the Godfather but the Grainfather, a nano brewery and the ideal birthday present for the man who has everything (read that as the man who has very specific tastes).  Duly ordered and delivered, and with no expectation of being wrapped as DH had researched and selected the system himself, the Grainfather took up residence behind the settee in the lounge, ready for action.  But I wanted to come up with a surprise…

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Pin it here

Pin it here

The brooch has always conjured up in my mind a piece of jewellery suitable for women of a certain age, a dated kind of embellishment to be worn on a coat collar or jacket lapel.  But wanting a novel gift for my work colleagues, I decided on brooches after discovering the fantastic 100 Flowers to Knit & Crochet: A collection of beautiful blooms for embellishing clothes, accessories, cushions and throws by Lesley Stanfield. This book is full of ideas for creating…

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Hopping into Spring

Hopping into Spring

It’s that froggy time of year again; time to find or make something along amphibian lines for my friend’s birthday, something that can be sent through the post to arrive on the day.  Now, I’ve nothing against presents arriving after the event – how can I, after this haul when we met up last month, catching up after a birthday or two… Fancy a cup of tree (frog) on this frosty and froggy morning? This felted frog card  was her…

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Hats off to Head Bands

Hats off to Head Bands

I’m not a hat person. Never have been. Whether it’s a wide-brimmed sun hat, a fascinator, a beanie or a bobble hat, I always look like somebody’s maiden aunt, and that remains the case even after removing said hat. A baseball cap is slightly better but jars with a smart coat and has few insulating properties. However, the head band has solved most of those problems. Apart from on the ski slopes, I spotted one being sported by a sharp…

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A Woolly Christmas to you all

A Woolly Christmas to you all

Ah, Christmas. What to make and give to friends this year? In September I started searching for ideas among those free patterns generously shared by other knitters, and struck lucky. Five different Christmas tree decorations which suited each individual on the receiving end of a knitted gift, and I don’t mind telling you I enjoyed every knitting minute of making them (even when those twiddly bits of mistletoe went missing under the sofa). For the all important patterns (I’m grateful…

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Lavender – the Colour of Summer

Lavender – the Colour of Summer

What looked like a bruise on the landscape, vivid and dazzling against the hedges and traffic of Croydon Lane, proved to be one of Surrey’s best-kept secrets.  At £1 entry per person (under 16s go free) and plenty of free parking, that was a small price to pay for the opportunity to enjoy the warmth and aroma of Provence…in Banstead. Mayfield Lavender Farm, Shop and Café is a place for all ages – the children I saw were very happily…

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Bunting Bunting Everywhere

Bunting Bunting Everywhere

Bunting is IN. Everywhere I look there’s red, white and blue bunting, floral print fabric bunting, multi-coloured PVC bunting; paper bunting; Liberty print bunting; Vintage doily, print, postcard, sheet music and map bunting; spotty bunting, striped bunting; wooden, ceramic and hessian bunting; themed bunting, even Star Wars and Pride and Prejudice bunting – but no knitted bunting.  Well, there is now… Psst Did you know – Bunting (or bunt) was originally a specific wool fabric, known as tammy, and manufactured…

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