Book Gaffe Resolved by Plant Purchase

Book Gaffe Resolved by Plant Purchase

Local charity – The Fircroft Trust – held their annual Spring Fair on Saturday 10th May.  After heading for the plant stall, I was diverted by some very interesting books, particularly a well-thumbed paperback by Honoré de Balzac, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and a couple of thrillers I fancied.  I queued to pay, soon to realise that the book stall was in the next room – these were from the centre’s bookshelves…doh

A straightforward transaction at the plant stall – home-grown tomato and cucumber plants and some container plants, all at a fair price, a pleasure to support a local charity.

The Fircroft Trust gardening project was well worth a visit on Thursdays between 2.00pm and 4.00pm for summer bedding plants, herb, shrubs and vegetables; containers and baskets can be bought or made to order, but no longer. It was good while it lasted.


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