Pour l’homme qui a tout

Pour l’homme qui a tout

I’ve asked it before and I’ll ask it again.  What do you give the man who has everything?  If the top of his present wish list is a pizza oven shovel for putting the pizza into the oven and a hot ash shovel for removing hot ash from the pizza oven, which, by the way, he has built himself, from mining his own stone to cutting and shaping it, then finding the perfect gift is nigh on impossible.

A bowtie then.  Why not?  He’s a man of many parts and a man of many outfits, from stone cutter to DJ to zombie.  If he’s keen to get into fancy dress for Hallowe’en and Christmas, then a bowtie is a versatile item for such a flexible dresser.

But will he know why I’ve decided to knit a bowtie?  I’ll tell him.  In rhyme.  Un noeud papillon pour l’anniversaire


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